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Do you feel like you’re always on?

balance feierabend work and play Mar 25, 2021

One of the central themes we cover at Physician Empowerment is the notion that many of us, regardless of practice background, always feel that we are “on”. 

Whether this is regarding patient care, administration, family life, or academic work, technology allows others to potentially reach us at any time. 

This can leave us feeling on edge and stressed out.

It’s important to disconnect and draw a clear line between work and play.  The Germans even have a name for it; Feierabend. 

Feierabend has two meanings:

  • it's the moment you stop working for the rest of the day
  • it's the part of the day between work and going to bed

Reflecting on your life and practice, how can you build habits into your daily routine to create clearer boundaries? 

Think of ways to step into your workday but also ways to step out of it.